
"The strange case of the thief of thieves" - Eva María Rodríguez

Once upon a time there was a city that was very dear to thieves, because they stole very well there. Villadespiste was called, to be exact. The inhabitants of Villadespiste did not know anything. If something was missing, they replaced it. If they couldn't find one thing, they would do it again or buy something else. Even the police were confused there. Only once in a while did they find out about robberies, but usually they didn't catch the thief. They had to give each other away so that one of them could get a cut, since after so much stealing there was almost nothing left to steal from the people. And so, the Villadespiste prison was filled with thieves. There were so many that they had to set up a new prison. The problem is that the judge was also so clueless that when he didn't forget to go to trial he got involved with the charges and sentences. But one day the thieves began to disappear. At first no one noticed, except the thieves themselves, who remained silent wait...

Prioridades de intervención en colectivos vulnerables. Por: Rachel Nin y Carolina Luciano

  Prioridades de intervención en colectivos vulnerables Por: Rachel Nin y Carolina Luciano. Hay situaciones en la sociedad que llevan a quienes están involucrados en la pedagogía social a realizar lo que llamamos proyectos de intervención, con el fin de provocar mejoras en los diferentes grupos a los que se dirige. Entendiendo que los mismos son aquellos en los cuales se diagnostican problemáticas o necesidades que pueden existir tanto en la sociedad en general como en una comunidad en específico y que a partir de estas se plantean formas y estrategias para su solución (Ramírez, 2010). Estos proyectos de intervención están dirigidos a tres sectores específicos de la sociedad, los cuales son: colectivos vulnerables, necesidades socioeducativas y recursos de la comunidad. Sin embargo, por ser estas tan amplias estaremos dirigiendo nuestra mirada hacia los colectivos vulnerables, partiendo del hecho de que existen y están presenten en todas las comunidades, pero que por la sensib...